, 9 min read

Filtering Bots and Crawlers from Access.log

1. Problem statement. When you run a web-server on your machine many bots and crawlers will visit. When analysing how many "real" visitors you have, you should therefore suppress these entries in your analysis from your log file of the web-server.

This blog is served by Hiawatha web-server. Every visitor writes at least one entry into the web-server's log file. Hiawatha and many other web-servers call it access.log. Hiawatha has other log files, e.g., error.log, garbage.log, and system.log. An entry in access.log looks something like this:|Mon 13 Dec 2021 11:37:03 +0100|200|6148|GET /blog/2014/09-20-advances-in-automotive-technology/ HTTP/1.1||Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/95.0.4638.69 Safari/537.36|Host: nucsaaze|Connection: keep-alive|Cache-Control: max-age=0|Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1|Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9|Sec-GPC: 1|Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate|Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9|Mon 13 Dec 2021 11:37:04 +0100|200|168499|GET /img/RynoSingleWheel.jpg HTTP/1.1|http://nucsaaze/blog/2014/09-20-advances-in-automotive-technology/|Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/95.0.4638.69 Safari/537.36|Host: nucsaaze|Connection: keep-alive|Accept: image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,image/svg+xml,image/*,*/*;q=0.8|Sec-GPC: 1|Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate|Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9|Mon 13 Dec 2021 11:37:04 +0100|304|182|GET /img/LitMotorBike.jpg HTTP/1.1|http://nucsaaze/blog/2014/09-20-advances-in-automotive-technology/|Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/95.0.4638.69 Safari/537.36|Host: nucsaaze|Connection: keep-alive|Accept: image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,image/svg+xml,image/*,*/*;q=0.8|Sec-GPC: 1|Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate|Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9|If-Modified-Since: Mon, 13 Dec 2021 10:14:34 GMT|Mon 13 Dec 2021 12:58:31 +0100|200|6419|GET / HTTP/1.1||Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/95.0.4638.69 Safari/537.36|Host:|Connection: close|Accept: */*|Accept-Encoding: gzip|Mon 13 Dec 2021 12:58:36 +0100|200|2456|GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1||Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/95.0.4638.69 Safari/537.36|Host:|Connection: close|Accept: */*|Accept-Encoding: gzip

Hiawatha's access.log has the following fields, separated by |:

  1. host
  2. date
  3. code
  4. size
  5. URL
  6. referer
  7. user agent
  8. and other fields

2. Examples. Here is the Google-Bot, seen in access.log, which is a highly welcomed crawler:|Fri 10 Dec 2021 12:32:14 +0100|200|7037|GET /blog/2021/07-13-performance-comparison-c-vs-java-vs-javascript-vs-luajit-vs-pypy-vs-php-vs-python-vs-perl/ HTTP/1.1||Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)|Host: eklausmeier.goip.de|Connection: keep-alive|Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/signed-exchange;v=b3,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8|From: googlebot(at)googlebot.com|Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br|If-Modified-Since: Fri, 19 Nov 2021 04:23:35 GMT

Here are two entries of the Yandex-Bot, also highly welcomed:|Wed 08 Dec 2021 12:06:43 +0100|200|2761|GET /blog/2014/01-19-cisco-2014-annual-security-report-java-continues-to-be-most-vulnerable-of-all-web-exploits HTTP/1.1||Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +http://yandex.com/bots)|Host: eklausmeier.goip.de|Connection: keep-alive|From: support@search.yandex.ru|Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate|Accept: */*|Wed 08 Dec 2021 12:06:44 +0100|200|2434|GET /blog/2013/12-08-surfing-the-internet-with-100-mbits HTTP/1.1||Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +http://yandex.com/bots)|Host: eklausmeier.goip.de|Connection: keep-alive|From: support@search.yandex.ru|Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate|Accept: */*

Here is an example of a bot, whose purpose is doubtful and probably just nonsense:|Wed 08 Dec 2021 19:45:48 +0100|303|228|GET /index.php?s=/Index/\think\app/invokefunction&function=call_user_func_array&vars[0]=md5&vars[1][]=HelloThinkPHP21 HTTP/1.1||Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.108 Safari/537.36|Host:|Accept-Encoding: gzip|Connection: close

Some of the bots and crawlers identify themselves in the user-agent field, e.g., Google and Yandex. But unfortunately, many do not. Quite the contrary, they try to hide as normal browsers.

Below Perl script accesslogFilter filters access.log so that only the "real" visitors remain. The script filters according:

  1. IP addresses: some bots and crawlers do not identify themselves, so we have to resort to naked addresses
  2. HTTP status codes
  3. identifying string in the user-agent field

3. Configuration. Here is the list of IP addresses I found to be "annoying" in any analysis:

my %ips = (
    '' => 0, '' => 0, '' => 0,
    '' => 0, '' => 0, '' => 0,       # compute-1.amazonaws.com
    '' => 0, '' => 0, '' => 0,
    '' => 0, '' => 0, '' => 0,    # startdedicated.de
    '' => 0, '' => 0, '' => 0, '' => 0,
    '' => 0, '' => 0, '' => 0, '' => 0,
    '' => 0, '' => 0, '' => 0, '' => 0,
    '' => 0, '' => 0,       # shodan.io
    '' => 0, '' => 0,    # various robots.txt reader
    '' => 0,       # localhost
    '' => 0, '' => 0, '' => 0,
    '' => 0, '' => 0  # local network

For example, shodan.io does not identify itself in the user-agent string. Therefore I simply identified them by using nslookup:

$ nslookup       name = census11.shodan.io.

Here is the list of HTTP status codes, which are filtered out:

my %errorCode = ( 301 => 0, 302 => 0, 400 => 0, 403 => 0, 404 => 0, 405 => 0, 500 => 0, 501 => 0, 503 => 0, 505 => 0 );

Status code 404 would also be very useful to find links on my web-server which point to nowhere. But the bots are so numerous that it seems to be more beneficial to just filter it out.

Here is the list of user-agent strings, which identify a bot or crawler:

my %bots = (
    adsbot => 0, adscanner => 0, ahrefsbot => 0, applebot => 0, 'archive.org_bot' => 0,
    baiduspider => 0, bingbot => 0, blexbot => 0,
    ccbot => 0, censysinspect => 0,
    'clark-crawler2' => 0, crawler => 0, crawler2 => 0, 'crawler.php' => 0,
    criteobot => 0, curl => 0,
    dataforseobot => 0, dotbot => 0, 'feedsearch-crawler' => 0,
    facebookexternalhit => 0, fluid => 0, 'go-http-client' => 0,
    googlebot => 0, ioncrawl => 0, lighthouse => 0, ltx71 => 0,
    mediapartners => 0, 'mediapartners-google' => 0,
    netestate => 0, nuclei => 0, nicecrawler => 0, petalbot => 0,
    proximic => 0, 'pulsepoint-ads.txt-crawler' => 0, 'python-requests' => 0,
    semrushbot => 0, 'semrushbot-ba' => 0, sitecheckerbotcrawler => 0, sitelockspider => 0,
    twitterbot => 0, ucrawl => 0,
    virustotal => 0, 'web-crawler' => 0, 'webmeup-crawler' => 0,
    'x-fb-crawlerbot' => 0, yandexbot => 0,

4. Perl script. With those configurations in place, the rest of the Perl script accesslogFilter is pretty straightforward:

use strict;

use Getopt::Std;
my %opts = ();
my $statout = (defined($opts{'o'}) ? $opts{'o'} : undef);
my ($emptyUA,$badURL,$smallUA) = (0,0,0);

Put the above config, i.e., the hash tables after these declarations. Now the actual filtering-code:

W: while (<>) {
        my @F = split /\|/;
        if (defined($ips{$F[0]})) { $ips{$F[0]} += 1; next; }
        if ($#F <= 5) { $emptyUA += 1; next; }
        if (defined($errorCode{$F[2]})) { $errorCode{$F[2]} += 1; next; }       # not found errors are ignored
        if ($F[4] =~ /XDEBUG_SESSION_START|HelloThink(CMF|PHP)/) { $badURL += 1; next; }
        if ($#F >= 6) { # Is UA field available?
                if (length($F[6]) <= 3) { $smallUA += 1; next W; }
                for ( split(/[ :;,\/\(\)\@]/,lc $F[6]) ) {
                        if (defined($bots{$_})) { $bots{$_} += 1; next W; }     # skip bots

For reporting purposes only, i.e., when given command line option -o report.txt, not required for filtering:

if (defined($statout)) {
        open(F,">$statout") || die("Cannot write to $statout");
        for (sort keys %ips) {
                next if ($ips{$_} == 0);
                printf(F "IP\t%d\t%s\n",$ips{$_},$_);
        printf(F "eUA\t%d\n",$emptyUA);
        printf(F "badURL\t%d\n",$badURL);
        for (sort keys %errorCode) {
                next if ($errorCode{$_} == 0);
                printf(F "code\t%d\t%d\n",$errorCode{$_},$_);
        printf(F "sUA\t%d\n",$smallUA);
        for (sort keys %bots) {
                next if ($bots{$_} == 0);
                printf(F "bot\t%d\t%s\n",$bots{$_},$_);

The script is in GitHub: eklausme/bin/accesslogFilter.

5. Reporting. Now to get a feeling how much filtering actually happens when applying above rules:

  1. Unmodified access.log for ca. one year: 181,282 entries
  2. Filtered access.log with accesslogFilter: 32,451 entries remain, i.e., less than 20%

So 80% of the visits of my web-server is stemming from bots, crawlers, junk, or from myself.

Unfiltered output of goaccess looks like this:

Filtered output of goaccess looks like this:

I have written about goacess here: Using GoAccess with Hiawatha Web-Server. Unfortunately goaccess is not good at filtering.

The statistics of accesslogFilter are below. First statistics for filtering according IP address. Host "startdedicated" is at the top:

IP	704
IP	154
IP	419
IP	335
IP	333
IP	1753
IP	1341
IP	1554
IP	6180
IP	496
IP	331
IP	335
IP	335
IP	329
IP	282
IP	6757
IP	286
IP	1353
IP	631
IP	11
IP	14
IP	6
IP	17
IP	32
IP	10
IP	14
IP	5
IP	10
IP	17
IP	32
IP	44
IP	52
IP	41
IP	15688

Above numbers are depicted in below pie-chart:

Special filtering according user-agent or bad/silly URL:

eUA	143
badURL	1835
sUA	3580

Distribution of filtered HTTP status code. As mentioned above, code 404 dominates by far:

code	16033	301
code	15	302
code	16	400
code	67	403
code	48222	404
code	3877	405
code	91	500
code	126	501
code	981	503

Above numbers as pie-chart:

Statistics on filtered entries according user-agent strings. Google is at the top, followed by Semrush:

bot	326	adsbot
bot	932	adscanner
bot	5163	ahrefsbot
bot	325	applebot
bot	18	archive.org_bot
bot	426	baiduspider
bot	1011	bingbot
bot	1105	blexbot
bot	2	ccbot
bot	1131	censysinspect
bot	182	clark-crawler2
bot	39	crawler
bot	88	crawler.php
bot	4	criteobot
bot	196	curl
bot	379	dataforseobot
bot	1688	dotbot
bot	8	facebookexternalhit
bot	1	feedsearch-crawler
bot	16	fluid
bot	226	go-http-client
bot	7016	googlebot
bot	34	ioncrawl
bot	19	ltx71
bot	2059	mediapartners-google
bot	410	netestate
bot	1	nicecrawler
bot	346	nuclei
bot	1088	petalbot
bot	77	proximic
bot	4	pulsepoint-ads.txt-crawler
bot	342	python-requests
bot	6609	semrushbot
bot	159	semrushbot-ba
bot	26	sitecheckerbotcrawler
bot	699	sitelockspider
bot	68	twitterbot
bot	2	ucrawl
bot	4	virustotal
bot	1715	yandexbot

Above data as pie-chart.

This gives a good graphical presentation why Bing, or Baidu are way inferior to Google search.

6. References. Below links might provide further information on bots & crawlers.

  1. Web Crawlers: Love the Good, but Kill the Bad and the Ugly: This post talks about limiting the bots & crawlers to your website as they are slowing down the entire server. The author mentions facebookexternalhit visiting his site 541 times per hour!
  2. IAB/ABC International Spiders and Bots List: A commercial list with bots, spiders, and crawlers. The list costs 15,000 USD.
  3. Bots and the Adobe Experience Cloud: AEC uses IAB.
  4. List of bots in StopBadBots: aBots.php
  5. AWStats robot list: robots.pm

Added 14-Mar-2022: I added further IP addresses, HTTP status codes, and bot names to script accesslogFilter. Then I compared the ratio of original log file to filtered log file. Below table shows the results. One can see that bots, crawlers, junk and myself make up to almost 90% of the traffic. Below table is chronologically in reverse order, i.e., lowest number is youngest.

Log file #entries after filtering ratio
0 1813 375 0.207
1 10913 1605 0.147
2 8631 1411 0.163
3 8146 1287 0.158
4 10319 1380 0.134
5 6287 1276 0.203
6 8064 1239 0.154
7 9684 1023 0.106
8 6317 1110 0.176
9 8115 1096 0.135
10 7334 1302 0.178
11 6835 1262 0.185
12 7239 922 0.127
13 10457 1297 0.124
14 8897 1102 0.124
15 9554 1051 0.110
16 8945 1020 0.114
17 4873 891 0.183
18 4961 753 0.152
19 5865 611 0.104
20 4850 501 0.103
21 4290 492 0.115
22 4863 514 0.106
23 4652 485 0.104
24 4289 520 0.121
25 3940 706 0.179
26 4292 634 0.148
27 3044 608 0.200
28 4390 538 0.123
29 3149 410 0.130
30 4402 470 0.107
31 3894 456 0.117
32 3018 518 0.172
33 5170 646 0.125
34 3980 581 0.146
35 3325 457 0.137
36 2979 478 0.160
37 5648 596 0.106
38 3139 470 0.150
39 2859 360 0.126
40 3157 700 0.222
41 2370 280 0.118
42 3457 286 0.083
43 8597 403 0.047
44 2414 258 0.107
45 2913 318 0.109
46 1835 308 0.168
47 2027 420 0.207
48 1777 319 0.180
49 1369 443 0.324
50 2860 415 0.145
51 2965 292 0.098
52 1325 264 0.199

Added 29-Mar-2022: Added even more IP addresses and bot names to accesslogFilter. Table is now chronologically in order, i.e., lower number is older.

Log file #entries after filtering ratio
1 1325 254 0.192
2 2965 286 0.096
3 2860 402 0.141
4 1369 416 0.304
5 1777 303 0.171
6 2027 404 0.199
7 1835 298 0.162
8 2913 297 0.102
9 2414 253 0.105
10 8597 400 0.047
11 3457 284 0.082
12 2370 277 0.117
13 3157 699 0.221
14 2859 358 0.125
15 3139 451 0.144
16 5648 556 0.098
17 2979 456 0.153
18 3325 442 0.133
19 3980 559 0.140
20 5170 626 0.121
21 3018 497 0.165
22 3894 441 0.113
23 4402 447 0.102
24 3149 394 0.125
25 4390 509 0.116
26 3044 580 0.191
27 4292 605 0.141
28 3940 675 0.171
29 4289 491 0.114
30 4652 466 0.100
31 4863 498 0.102
32 4290 464 0.108
33 4850 489 0.101
34 5865 591 0.101
35 4961 739 0.149
36 4873 861 0.177
37 8945 964 0.108
38 9554 994 0.104
39 8897 1067 0.120
40 10457 1270 0.121
41 7239 889 0.123
42 6835 1233 0.180
43 7334 1252 0.171
44 8115 1056 0.130
45 6317 1068 0.169
46 9684 974 0.101
47 8064 1119 0.139
48 6287 1251 0.199
49 10319 1341 0.130
50 8146 1107 0.136
51 8631 1237 0.143
52 10913 1309 0.120
53 7086 1364 0.192
54 8863 2121 0.239
55 5241 436 0.083

Script for generating this is:

for k in `seq 54 -1 0`; do
    let km="55-$k"; i=access.log.$k; wci=`cat $i | wc -l`;
    filt=`accesslogFilter $i | wc -l`; let pr="1.0*$filt/$wci";
    printf " %2d | %5d | %4d | %6.3f\n" $km $wci $filt $pr;

Added 10-Dec-2023: Mitchell Krog also has lists of IP addresses, bot-names, class C nets, etc.